Friday, June 1, 2012


Hey guys, hope that title was more humorous than obnoxious. I thought so.

After receiving a handful of emails with meeting ideas, it seems the choice by popular vote is the Grand Avenue Ale House! Happy hour starts there at 4, so lets plan on meeting then?

There have also been a few people who expressed their interest in joining, but couldn't due to prior obligations, which is why I'll be organizing another one of these events the week following finals. That way we can get rowdy, and not worry about having to write any drunk papers/doing any drunk studying.

Anyway, against my better judgement, I'll post my phone number below so you all can get ahold of me the day of. Thanks for all your input, I'm looking forward to seeing you guys then/there!



Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FYI -- For everyone meeting with me on Thursday...

...I need to have your draft emailed to me 24hrs in advance (by 4pm on Wednesday). If you send it after 4pm, I won't be able to read it in time for our meeting.

--Dr. Hsueh

Reminder For Week 10

Hello – 

In preparation for our paper meetings, please send me a copy of your draft at least 24 hours beforehand

If I don’t receive the draft, I won’t necessarily be able to edit it in time for our meeting.

Also, if you do not wish to have a paper meeting (or unable to attend), please simply let me know in advance, so I can plan accordingly.

Many thanks!
--Dr. Hsueh

Friday, May 25, 2012

Final Paper Beer Summit *UPDATES*

Hey everyone,

I emailed you guys, but thought it'd be a good idea to make a blog post so we could all weigh in on where we'd like to go.

So, Beer Summit Spring Quarter 2012 - 464 Final Edition:

Sometime before the final paper is due, and after our meetings with Hsueh are concluded we should all get together to talk about our paper topics, general subjects we covered in class that we want to revisit, and anything else we feel like.

Everyone is invited, but I want to know where you guys would prefer to go. I'll wait about a week to give people enough time to respond with where they'd prefer to meet.

If the group is big enough (fingers crossed) I have no problem calling the place to make a reservation.

Hope to see you guys there!


Hey guys, just an update:

So far Tyler, Emily, and Sara are coming to the beer summit.

There's no need to answer right away as we won't be getting together til after meetings, I just wanted to update you all on where we're at.

More Updates:

So, the weekend is super busy for me. I've got a show down south on Saturday, and a Game of Thrones finale on Sunday. (who else is stoked for that? I know I am)

Our papers are due Would everyone be able to make a happy hour outing Monday afternoon? If so, what places would you like to go? Im looking forward to meeting with you guys, it's going to be fun!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


We are meeting in my office, Artnzen Hall 405.
Please let me know if for some reason you will not be able to attend the meeting

5/29, Tuesday
10am -- Jeff Cedarbaum
11:30am – Julia Kowalski

12:30pm – Madeline Cavazos
1pm – Gabriel Peterson

2pm – Lauren Raine
2:30pm -- Thomas Smith

5/30, Wednesday
9:30 -- Tyler Adams
10am -- Harry Howell
10:30am – Chris Brown
11am – Jessica Moore
11:30am – Andrew Williams

12:30pm -- Spencer Sunderland
1pm – Amelia Woolley
1:30pm – Andrea Farred
2pm – Julia Canty
2:30pm – Micah Christie

5/31, Thursday
9:30am – Emily Cross
10am – Blair Peterson
10:30am – Steven Gilbert

11:30am – Matt Benson
12pm--Lizzy van Patten
12:30pm – Miles Bludorn
1pm – Sara Rosso
1:30pm – Sara Salz

Week 11—Finals Week
**6/5, Tuesday – FINAL PAPER DUE IN MY OFFICE/MAILBOX by 6pm**

The graffiti artist Banksy has pulled off one of his most audacious stunts - an enormous protest against Britain's surveillance society painted just feet from a CCTV camera.
The guerrilla artwork appeared on a wall above a Post Office yard off Oxford Street in central London on Monday morning.
It features a boy in a red jacket painting the slogan "One Nation Under CCTV" in stark white capitals. His actions are filmed by a policeman next to a barking dog.
The secretive artist's achievement is made more impressive by the fact that the piece is several stories high - meaning he had to erect temporary scaffolding before slipping away unnoticed.

Discussion Questions

PLSC 464 Q’s

Sonia Kruks

“Panopticism is not confined to particular institutions, such as the prison or the asylum. On the contrary, Foucault conceives it to be a general "modality of power" in normalizing societies such as ours. Moreover, women are subject to (and subjects of) what Foucault refers to as "the minute disciplines, the panopticisms of every day" (1977a: 223), in a particularly all-encompassing and complex manner that he does not himself explore.” -Sonia Kruks

How do women today experience the panopticon of our society differently than men?

2. Kruks argues that Beauviour “enables us to reintroduce into his (Foucault) analysis notions of personal agency and moral accountability that remain important for any project of emancipatory politics.’

Why do you think that this urgency and moral accountability is missing from Foucault’s account?

2.5  While Foucault acknowledges that there has been “effective resistance” to panoptic scrutiny he also posits that this panoptic power can penetrate the body without “mediation of the subjects own representations. If power takes hold of the body, this isn’t through its having first to be interiorized in people’s consciousness.” pg 6

Kruks argues that this is a fallacy for and a contradiction.  Do you think that Foucault is resistant to the concept of individual potential for intention and consciousness in response to the influences of the panopticon?

3. “Such passages imply something else: an active, even, one could argue, a quasi-constituting, subject; a conscious subject who "knows" that he is visible; one who "assumes responsibility" for the effects of power on himself, and who is active in playing "both roles," that of scrutinizer and scrutinized. “

What about the panopticon causes men and women to internalize the effects to the point where they self police?

4.. “In such ways, a young woman learns how to develop those practices of self-surveillance and self-discipline that Foucault attributes to the panoptic gaze. But they are not the direct effect of the gaze itself, so much as of the shame with which it forces her to see "herself." ”-Sonia Kruks

How do women lack the ability to reciprocate on men the objectivity they experience?

5.  “On the contrary, Beauvoir points out, the would-be independent woman lives her femininity as a painful contradiction. Brought up (as most girls still are today) to see herself through the male gaze, enjoined to passivity, and to make herself desirable to man,  she is her femininity.” -Sonia Kruks

If women cannot escape the panoptic gazes of men, is there still the possibility for independence and freedom, according to Beauvoir? Foucault?


1. “The modeling of the body produces a knowledge of the individual, the apprenticeship of the techniques induces modes of behavior and the acquisition of skills is inexorably linked with the establishment of power relations; strong, skilled agricultural workers are produced; in this very work, provided it is technically supervise, submissive subjects are produced and a dependable body of knowledge build up about them”  pg. 294

This quote, with its language of ‘knowledge’ and ‘apprenticeship’ makes this transformation into a submissive body appear to be a reliant upon the disposed position of the inmate/body. How is one to reject this submission? Does Foucault believe it is possible to escape this modeling of the body? Do you?

2. Foucault describes: “The essential element of its program was to subject the future cadres to the same apprenticeships and to the same coercions as the inmates themselves they were ‘subjected as pupils to the discipline that, later, as instructors, they would themselves impose.’ They were taught the art of power relations.” Pg. 295

Do you believe that this element still exists in our prison systems? And by extension do you believe that other institutions, which Foucault has likened to the prison system i.e. the punitive school, military, hospital etc. have this same process of indoctrination of its future administrators?

3. “The carceral network does not cast the unassimilable into a confused hell; there is no outside. It takes back with one hand what it seems to exclude with the other. It saves everything, including what it punishes.”  Pg. 301

What does he mean by this and do you recognize elements of modern society in it?