Friday, May 25, 2012

Final Paper Beer Summit *UPDATES*

Hey everyone,

I emailed you guys, but thought it'd be a good idea to make a blog post so we could all weigh in on where we'd like to go.

So, Beer Summit Spring Quarter 2012 - 464 Final Edition:

Sometime before the final paper is due, and after our meetings with Hsueh are concluded we should all get together to talk about our paper topics, general subjects we covered in class that we want to revisit, and anything else we feel like.

Everyone is invited, but I want to know where you guys would prefer to go. I'll wait about a week to give people enough time to respond with where they'd prefer to meet.

If the group is big enough (fingers crossed) I have no problem calling the place to make a reservation.

Hope to see you guys there!


Hey guys, just an update:

So far Tyler, Emily, and Sara are coming to the beer summit.

There's no need to answer right away as we won't be getting together til after meetings, I just wanted to update you all on where we're at.

More Updates:

So, the weekend is super busy for me. I've got a show down south on Saturday, and a Game of Thrones finale on Sunday. (who else is stoked for that? I know I am)

Our papers are due Would everyone be able to make a happy hour outing Monday afternoon? If so, what places would you like to go? Im looking forward to meeting with you guys, it's going to be fun!


  1. I'll be there. Good idear Tom!

  2. Cool! I don't know who you are because your username is SockPups though. Haha.

    Any preferences and where we meet up?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. When exactly were you planning on doing this? I usually have something going on weekend evenings.

  4. I was thinking about doing it on Sunday, but then I realized the Game of Thrones finale is we definitely AREN'T meeting then. I'm kind of waiting to hear more from people about their availability before I make a decision.

  5. Definitely can't make it Sunday, Game of Thrones is too important. Monday afternoon works for me and I have no preference to location, so when you pick a place let me know and I will be there!

    1. Jessica, I have no intention of missing GoT this week. Worry not.

      As a side note, I read that the last episode will be 70 minutes. It's only 10 extra minutes, but, I'll always take 10 extra minutes of this:

    2. Ah, I was just reminded that I have a prior commitment on monday at 5. So depending on what the finial plan is, I might not be able to go now.

    3. Dangit. Alright, well I think it might be easier for everyone if we got together after finals, however I still think it'd be fun to go out Monday, as well.

      I'll put something together for the week following finals so everyone that wants to come can. So no worries if you can't make this one!
