Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I have a question concerning the reading for this week (I hope questions are an acceptable form of post). On page 40, Arendt first makes the distinction between action and behavior, the former belonging to the public (political) realm and the latter belonging to the sort-of public, sort-of private (private made public?) social realm. She writes later, "This modern equality, based on the conformism inherent in society and possible only because behavior has replaced action as the foremost mode of human relationship..." (41).

It seems like this is a trivial distinction. Aren't behaviors just action in the aggregate? I understand that she's trying to discuss the "equalizing" effect of society, or the conformity society demands of people through a prescribed pattern of behavior, but I think its an unhelpful choice of words, if nothing else. Am I just getting too stuck on the plain-text reading of it?

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