Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 5 -- Blog Directions and Readings for Thursday

Post to Blog by Wed @9pm
everyone with last name A-M

Comments on Posts by Thurs @8am
everyone with last name N-Z

Blog posts should focus on the Oakeshott or the Beauvoir readings.

On Thursday, we will be discussing Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex, Introduction, and Chapter 1, pgs. 1-4, 22-39. (My apologies -- I realized that the page numbers are based on printing out Chapter 1. Unfortunately there aren't any convenient markers in the online text.
If you can, for the first assigned section of Chapter 1, please read the first five paragraphs.
For the second assigned section of Chapter 1, please read all the materials that follow the paragraph that begins "But the fundamental difference between male and female mammals lies in this: the sperm, through which the life of the male is transcended in another...")

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