Wednesday, May 2, 2012

5/2 posting

When it was brought up in class yesterday I kept thinking about Beauvoir and what it means to be complacent. Whether or not people can be knowingly complacent or if they are just don't know any better. I know that there are still women who believe that it is not right for women to be in the workforce because it is not their place. But then that brings me to the other thought brought up during the introduction of The Second Sex. Why does there tend not to be solidarity among women? Why do they feel the need to tear each other down instead of encouraging each other to be better. Of course I am not implying this is the case among all women, but it is more likely to see it happen among women than among men. It makes me think if we would have gotten further in the feminist movement sooner had it not been for this infighting among women along the way. If women had come together to work towards the same things would their power in numbers have been able to force change in society more quickly? I don't mean to hang up on Beauvoir, but this idea that women tend to identify more with other men of their same class and standing rather than with women of a different class really has me stumped.

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