Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Blog reminder for Fanon, Sartre, and Beauvoir readings

Post to Blog by Wed @9pm
everyone with last name N-Z

Comments on Posts by Thurs @8am
everyone with last name A-M


  1. I posted tonight, because I got a week off schedule a little while back...I posted the night before our rough draft peer reviews when it wasn't required, so then I didn't post last week when it would have been my turn...and now I'm posting tonight. Hope that's ok.

  2. While reading Sartre's preface to Fanon I found his writing to be very interesting. I really appreciated how Sartre wrote as a direct member of the European elite. By writing this way, Sartre opened my mind as a reader a great deal. As a reader I became engaged in what Sartre had to say and looked forward to what was to come with Fanon. In addition, I thought it was refreshing to read the two theorists because their writing was appealing because it is without apology.
    Here are a couple lines in Sartre's piece that really stood out to me:

    "Everything will be done to wipe out their traditions, to substitute our language for theirs and to destroy their culture without giving them ours."

    One reason this quote stood out to me is because it has so much force since Sartre is writing with such personal tone. So often theorists write in a language difficult to understand and Sartre in this piece does not. Rather, he writes with eloquence but at the same time with emotion, emotion that I felt I could understand through his writing. In the two pieces that we read for this week, Fanon and Sartre both wrote this way, with emotion, and because they wrote this way I feel a greater connection with their writing.

    Another quote that stuck out to me is:

    "Western culture, and what is equally to be feared, the withdrawal into the twilight of past African culture. For the only true culture is that of the revolution; that is to say, it is constantly in the making."

    I thought this was an incredibly interesting quote because it proposed an idea that i have never been presented with before. With this quote i gathered that Sartre argues that culture is ever changing.
