Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Question 5: Model Prisons

This was one of our discussion questions we never got to, but it was basically asking if we thought there could be 'model' prisons.  I would have to say there can't be model or perfect prisons and corrective facilities.  To me, there are just simply too many opinions, feelings and norms that people expect from these.  Norms might not be quite the right word, but I mean that people expect these places to conduct themselves a certain way. and may believe that they aren't doing their jobs when these places aren't actually like what they thought.  Another thing that crossed my mind is just human nature in general.  These people. for whatever reason. couldn't fit into our societies or didn't mesh well etc.  But what exactly does essentially sticking them into another society with other people that didn't fit in do?  Besides keeping them out of ours that is.  Obviously the goal is to 'correct' them somehow but I think that there are also many opinions on exactly what that means, and even more on the ways to go about doing it.

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