Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Paper Topics -- Sorry for the delay!

Paper Topics -- 10 page final paper. Draft of at least 4-5 pages due in class on 5/24, Thursday.

1.      Of the theorists that we’ve considered in this course, whose conception of power is the most powerful today? Respond to this question by considering the ideas of at least two of the theorists that we’ve covered in the course so far (Arendt, Beauvoir, Fanon, Oakeshott, Sartre, Foucault).
2.      Jean-Paul Sartre notes in his preface to Fanon's Wretched of the Earth that, "We find our humanity on this side of death and despair; he finds it beyond torture and death. We have sown the wind; he is the whirlwind. The child of violence, at every moment his draws from is his humanity. We were men at his expense, he makes himself man at our: a different man; of a higher quality." Your essay should explain Sartre’s position, including quotations and selections from the text when appropriate. Be sure to incorporate the ideas of at least one of our other theorists (Arendt, Beauvoir, Fanon, Oakeshott, Sartre, Foucault).
3.      Do Oakeshott and Arendt agree on the "art of politics"? Why or why not? Whose conception do you find more persuasive? Why? Your essay should explain both Oakeshott's and Arendt's position and include appropriate quotations and selections from the text.
4.       In Discipline and Punish, Michel Foucault describes the rise of disciplinary power. What does Foucault mean by this and is his conception relevant today? Your essay should describe and identify the characteristics that Foucault assigns to disciplinary power, including quotations and selections from the text when appropriate. Your essay should also discuss how, why, and if Foucault’s conception is relevant today. Be sure to incorporate the ideas of at least one of our other theorists (Arendt, Beauvoir, Fanon, Oakeshott, Sartre).
5.      What is the best way to resist authority and acquire freedom today? Respond to this question by considering the ideas of at least two of the theorists that we’ve covered in the course so far (Arendt, Beauvoir, Fanon, Oakeshott, Sartre, Foucault).
6.      If you have a specific paper topic that you would like to pursue, we can discuss it for approval by email or in person 4/22 (Tuesday).

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